In memory of...

Roman Aurelio Eli Hackshaw - born 30 December 2008, died 12 January 2009
(Proud parents: Ronson Gerard Hackshaw [father] and Alisia Sackir Mottley [mother]) 
Tom Grant - born 5 January 2000, died 14 January 2000
Matthew Garland - stillborn 21 January 2000
Oscar Daniel Annhernu  - born 24 January 2003, died 27 January 2003
Dylan Nicholas Williams - stillborn 20 January 2004
Chloe-Lee Jones - born 16 October 2001, died 20 January 2004
Hope Handford - died January 2003
Poppy Lola Poulton-Trask - born 3 January 2006, died 10 January 2006
Zack Junior Burns - born 12 January 2009, died 13 January 2009 
Sam Robertson - born on 26 January 2009, died on 28 February 2009
Serena Khan - stillborn 20 February 1989
Issac & Grace Lindo
Leon White - born 7 December 1999, died 7 February 2000
Jack Robert Burree - stillborn 21 February 1999
Catherine Baldock - born 3 February 2000, died 4 February 2000
Imogen Perris - stillborn 11 February 2000
Willow Eve Peters - born 10 February 2004, died 25 February 2004
Bill and Ben Radford - born too soon, 3 March 2010
Alfie Bowles - died 17 March 2003
Riley Herbert-Evans - born sleeping 18 March 2006
Rosie Louise Harman - stillborn 11 April 1994
Rachael Robson - stillborn 3 April 1994
Rebecca Herring - stillborn 17 April 1997
Milo White - born 7 February 1999, died 1 April 1999
Max Maurice-Jones - born 28 January 1999, died 9 April 1999
Eve Alexandra Bailey - stillborn 11 April 2006
Joseph Dracos - stillborn 15 May 1997
Hannah Alice Shepherd - born 9 January 1998, died 16 May 1998
Lottie Rogers - stillborn 12 May 1999
Eliza Mallen-Curtis - born 21 May 2003, died 24 May 2003
Byron Christopher Lee Robinson - stillborn 2 May 2000
Louis Lee, born 26 April 2005, died 3 May 2005
Vincent Freedman - stillborn 2 May 2006
Riley-James Still - born too soon, 30 May 2009 
Jenny Lloyd - stillborn 9 June 1994
Rachel Olive Beck - born 20 June 2002, died 20 June 2002 four hours later
Emilia Kelly Bruyn - stillborn 11 June 2011 
Oliver John Goode - born 26 June 1989, died 6 July 1989
Jamie Jenkins-Bertrand - born 19 July 1990, died 18 July 1994
Martha Lutz-Davies - stillborn 3 July 1994
Madeline Ferguson - born 20 January 1994, died 1 July 1994
Scarlet Goozee - born 30 July 1999, died 30 July 1999
Alfie Shaw-Davies - born 9 June 2000, died 18 July 2000
Thomas Hickling - stillborn 20 July 2001
Finn Maurice -Jones - born 31 March 2003, died on 8 July 2003.
Bartella Joanna Goodwin - stillborn 23 July 2004
James Jarvis - stillborn 2 August 1994
Martha Relton - stillborn 3 August 1998
Amy Quigley Barrow - stillborn 23 August 1999
Joseph Wallace - born 25 July 2002, died 26 August 2002
Mia Thomas-Green - stillborn 30 August 2002
Joshua Charlie Cleghorn - stillborn 5 August 2003
Millie O'Halloran - stillborn 24 August 2004 
Max Isaac Thomas Millar - stillborn 1 August 2006
Anna Ebeling - born 8 September 1990, died 7 September 1990
Lee Mahkonen - stillborn 28 September 1994
Thomas Poole - born 27 September 1995, died 28 September 1995
Baby Pettet - born 11 September 2000, died 16 September 2000
Edward Allen - stillborn 20 September 2003
Plum Ann Simmons - stillborn 15 September 2002
Tiger Lloyd - stillborn 26 September 2003
Liam Storey-Davidson - born 16 October 1990, died 20 October 1990
Elliot Sherman - stillborn 8 October 1992
Sean Fernandes - stillborn 25 October 1993
Alistair Wilkie - born 6 October 1994, died 11 October 1994
Finn Sylvester - stillborn 7 October 1999
Jack Thomas Prince - stillborn 1 October 2003
Evan McDermott - stillborn 25 October 2003
Kaleb Luck-Lee - stillborn 23 October 2005 
Charlie Jack Gates - born 1 October 2006, died 4 October 2006
Baby Caitlin Elizabeth Mendoza - stillborn on 7 October 2008
Annabel Harwood - stillborn 8 November 2000
Joe Wilson Bowker - stillborn 10 November 2001
Gregory Harding - born 14 August 1991, died 18 November 1991
Alvie Morley-Smith - stillborn 10 November 2005
Caspar Joe Wrightson Holt - born 4 November 2009, passed away 16 November 2009 
Matthew Grant - born 22 December 1992, died 24 December 1992
Hannah Gollop - stillborn 12 December 2000
William Michael Sean Knight - born 5 December 2001, died 23 December 2001
Epi Paget - stillborn 27 December 2002
Lola Fern Amelie Booth - stillborn 31 December 2005
Archie West - born 28 November 2009, died 22 December 2009

If you live in the Brighton and Worthing area and would like your baby's details to be added to this page, please email us 

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