Get involved

There are a number of ways you can get involved with Sands. 

Become a befriender

This is one of the key services offered by the local group to support parents. The befriending service provides trained volunteers who have lost babies in the past, who offer to listen to - and talk informally with - bereaved parents on the phone, by email, or face to face.


The service is run on a rotational basis, responding to phone calls received on the dedicated befriender mobile phone number for the local group - 07502 763863.


We need more befrienders in our group, the more befrienders we have, the more people we can help, and the lighter the load on individual volunteers.


National Sands runs two-day courses for befrienders around the country, where at least two years have elapsed since your bereavement. You will also need to be linked to a local group and to have attended at least four recent support meetings. This is so you can make sense of what being a befriender involves.

As the service is run on a rotational basis between befrienders, it does not involve giving up significant amounts of time, although you must be committed to helping bereaved parents quickly. You should also be in the position to focus on someone else's loss rather than your own. 

If you are interested in finding out more about befriending for Sands, please
contact us

Knit for us

Sadly, we always need knitted blankets for our memory boxes. If you are able to help knit or crochet blankets for us we would be most grateful.


Select this link for a knitting or crochet pattern.


Other volunteering roles 

There are a range of tasks that need doing to sustain the group, which don't involve giving up huge amounts of time. These include fundraising, helping out at awareness and fundraising events, updating the website and generally offering ideas to help the group raise its profile in the local area so that it can support more bereaved parents.



If you are interested in finding out more about befriending or volunteering for Sands, please contact us.

Need to talk?

If you're a bereaved parent living in the Brighton and Worthing area you can speak to one of our trained befrienders, either face to face, on the phone or by email. 


07502 763863


All our befrienders are trained volunteers who have lost a baby. Find out more about the support we offer. 


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© Brighton and Worthing Sands