Contact us

If you would like to contact us by email, please use the form below. Please note that the email is manned by volunteers and so it may take a few days for us to respond to you. Please be assured that someone will respond to you. 


Please check the box if you would like a befriender to contact you. 


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Committee members

The Brighton and Worthing Sands committee, which is formed of volunteers, meets quarterly. We are always looking for volunteers to join the committee. Find out more about our committee members and the different roles. 


Useful links

Here's a list of local organisations that you may find helpful.

Need to talk?

If you're a bereaved parent living in the Brighton and Worthing area you can speak to one of our trained befrienders, either face to face, on the phone or by email. 


07502 763863


All our befrienders are trained volunteers who have lost a baby. Find out more about the support we offer. 


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© Brighton and Worthing Sands